Pavement Milling

Pavement Milling
For replacing asphalt surfaces, milling is an excellent choice for removing and recycling the existing pavement layer. The process involves grinding the pavement, mixing in new asphalt binding material, then reusing the pavement aggregate for a reconditioned asphalt surface. Pavement milling is a cost-effective alternative to complete reconstruction, as it uses recycled material and reduces the need for resources and energy.
Consider the following:
- Go Green – Because the process uses recycled material, pavement milling is more ecologically friendly than most other parking surfaces, such as concrete. Less energy and greenhouse gases are expended during the process, and no material is discarded or deposited into landfills.
- Cost-Effective – By using the milling process on an existing asphalt surface, precious dollars are saved over the cost of total reconstruction. Existing curbs and drainage systems are maintained, where possible, so budgets can be more easily managed.
- No Disruption To Traffic – Typically, traffic flow is maintained or only slightly affected by the pavement milling process. Our crews have extensive experience and understand the need to keep traffic flowing in and out of your business and on the streets.
- Great For Parking Lot Expansion – Be sure to ask the experts at Ronyak Paving about expanding your parking surface as part of the resurfacing of your existing lot. It would be a great time to add those extra parking spaces for the convenience of your customers.
- Need Rental Equipment? — Ronyak Paving has several milling machines from our fleet of paving equipment available for rent. Call 440-834-1988 for rental rates.