About Ronyak Paving

About Us
Back in 1939, paved roads were just catching on and A.J. Ronyak saw an opportunity. He began what was then called a bituminous business (the word asphalt wasn’t used for quite some time) and time marched on. A.J.’s three sons eventually took over the ever-growing business, and in 1983, Ronyak Bros Paving was incorporated. Today, Ronyak Paving is owned and managed by A.J.’s grandson David Ronyak.
Asphalt paving may not seem like a high-tech industry, but Ronyak Paving has continually upgraded and replaced its equipment with quieter, more eco-friendly, faster and safer pavers, rollers and support equipment. The majority of the asphalt used by Ronyak Paving is produced by a company-owned plant in Shalersville, Ohio. This allows greater control of quality and availability of material.
Ronyak Paving understands the importance of affordably keeping a clean and safe parking surface for employees, customers and family. Our ability to pave anything from driveways, parking lots, and tennis courts to subdivisions and roads has been our specialty in the industry. But we couldn’t do any of it without our hard-working, dedicated staff who strive to deliver high quality workmanship.
Like his grandfather, David Ronyak has dedicated a lifetime to his paving business and hopes to someday turn over the reins of the business to his three children. With luck, the loyalty of many employees, and the support of our customers, the tradition of excellence will continue to flourish in Burton, Ohio, for some time to come.